Lord this game has a steep learning curve. I hadn't fired it up recently, and I had completely forgotten what my plans were. I did get to see something I had never seen before, I found an underground cavern. Immediately after tunnelling into cavern, a nasty bat flew into my tunnels and killed a dwarf or two. From there, probably 10-12 dwarves have died directly or indirectly of depression. Someone would get upset that their friend died, then they would go mad and starve then their friends would get upset. On the plus side, there are quite a few nodes of gems along the cavern walls, and there is lots of spider silk.
I think the fortress mood has pretty much stabalized. I had been tempted to abandond the fort, but I think I'll forge on. Fortress productivity is way down though, hopefully I have enough food and booze to get by until I figure out what I was doing and where my workshops are again.
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