Saturday, July 4, 2009

Things aren't getting much better

After my last post, I started feeling better at the end of the week. However I started feeling worse again the following week. This was explained when the doctor's office called to tell me I had strep. Someone at work said the quick strep tests are 99% accurate, so that was some bad luck with that not showing up right away.

The insurance adjust came out, and decided that it probably was the roof causing my problems. However, I didn't see the estimate the roofing guy left until about a week after the fact. I wouldn't have seen it even then except Michele came by while I was cutting the grass to retrieve Blake's Game Boy. The estimate informed me I needed a new roof. I'm hoping insurance will will at least pay for some portion of the repair.

Bah, now I'm depressed about needing to drop $5K on a new roof. I knew the roof was old when I bought the house, and that was factored into the price, but I was hoping to get a few years out of it, not less than one. Maybe playing Demigod will cheer me up.

1 comment:

Chip Lynch said...

I'm sure it could be worse. Hope you start feeling better soon -- strep or not, it will all go away with a bit of time and lots of drugs.

Cheer up, dude! Coming, of course, from someone almost completely incapable of taking that advice himself, but still -- optimism is good!

Is Demigod fun? I haven't played it. Tried Left 4 Dead lately -- very good zombie animation, but it's an FPS, so, prolly not your thing.
